There are 4 main entertainment venues on Royal Caribbean ships; Royal Theater, Two70, Studio B and the Aquatheater.
In this blog we look at each venue and what we think are the best seats in each one.
Royal Theater
Every Royal Caribbean ship has a Royal Theater, although on some of the older ships the theater may go by other names.
The Royal Theater on the largest ships like Symphony of the Seas can seat more than 1,400 guests.
Because of the variety of shows, the best seating will depend on the show.

Green indicates the best seating for regular shows. Blue indicates the best seating for certain shows.
For the Royal Caribbean production shows the best seating will in the center of the theater from about row 4 and back to about row 9.
This section gives you an excellent, unobstructed view, while also seeing the action in the peripheries.
For magic and juggling shows being in the center section and in the first few rows is advantagous.
Unless you want to be a part of the show you want to avoid the first row or two at the comedy shows, as you are likely to be picked on by the comedian.
For shows such as Flight and Effectors you want to be sitting further back or on the balcony due to parts of the performance being aerial above the audience.
If you are unsure about seeing the show or may want to leave early, getting seats on the balcony or at the back on the stalls level are your best option.
You generally want to avoid the tiered seating at the back of the theater on the stalls level. There are pillars that can easily obstruct your view.
These are actually the seats that are reserved for Pinnacle, Key and Suite guests.
Studio B
Studio B is the ice rink venue on Royal Caribbean ships. The ships with Studio B are the Voyager, Freedom and Oasis class ships.
The ice skating arena on the Icon class ships will be called Zero SM. We don't know the layout of this venue at this time.
Studio B has seating of 3 of the sides of the ice rink, the front and the two sides. Although the shows can be viewed from any of the sides
they were choreographed to be viewed from the front.
The area highlighted in green is the recommended seating area.
The best seating is in the front section, which is in front of you as you enter Studio B. Being closer to the ice is slightly better than
further back, but there are no seats with obstructed views.
Seats closest to the ice on the sides have no obstructed views, but they don't give you the best experience of the show. If you sit further back you
may have obstructed views due to pillars.
Two70 is a unique venue that only exists on the Quantum and Quantum Ultra class ships. The venue is at the back of the ships and gives you
a 270 degrees of windows.

Green indicates the best seating.
Two70 is one of the venues where sitting at the front is absolutely the best place to be. It puts you close to the action, but more importantly
it has the best view. Sitting at the tables at the back is the worst place you can sit.
The seating on the balcony is also very good, as it gives you an excellent view of everything that's going on on stage, but again try to sit at the front
of the balcony section.
The Aquatheatre is a unique venue that only exists on the Oasis class ships. The venue is at the back of the ships and hosts the evening
aquashows, and movies and other video productions.

Green indicates the best seating.
There is no bad seating in the Aquatheater, but the best seating is in the middle section and from about halfway back. The aquashow has tight rope walking
and diving from 18 meters or about 60 feet up, so being further backs makes it easier to see the high up action.
If you enjoy getting wet, sitting on the first couple of rows are for you. These seats are in the splash zone.
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